Analytics & AI Services

Business Intelligence & Analytics

Visibility into operational data is the key to streamlining processes, minimizing costs, improving profitability, and exceeding customer expectations. With modern ERP and Field Service Management applications this data is available and waiting to be harnessed. With strategic implementation of modern reporting and analytics tools, such as NSAW, companies can unlock hidden value, streamline processes, and make smarter, data-driven decisions

Track Key performance indicators such as:

Technician Utilization, First Time Fix Rates, and Mean Time to Repair 

Equipment Uptime, SLA, and Contract Compliance

Project Profitability

Inventory Usage Trends and Leakage

Additionally, by integrating intelligent predictive analytics and AI/ML with field service operations, you can gain real-time insights, predict potential issues, and create a proactive, customer-centric service model. 

Generative AI capabilities can be leveraged to enable faster troubleshooting and resolution for field technicians. Through leveraging, equipment information, historical problem descriptions and repair notes, manuals and other knowledge documents solution recommendations can generated guiding field technicians through complex repairs and optimizing knowledge transfer.

At Accrete Consulting, we specialize in helping businesses leverage analytics to transform field service processes, driving efficiency, profitability, and customer satisfaction. Let us guide you in harnessing the power of analytics and AI to elevate your field service operations.


Advanced Analytics and AI

Accrete will help you gain a holistic view of performance through comprehensive KPI dashboards and reports, enabling data-driven decision-making using tools such as NetSuite Analytics Warehouse and PowerBI.

KPIs and operations heartbeat reports are just the starting point. Using advanced analytics capabilities such as machine learning your data can be analyzed to detect anomalies, identify patterns, and predict future trends. This allows businesses to be proactive rather than reactive to challenges.

For example, using manufacturing data, service, and repair history of equipment that failed, at-risk assets can be identified and prioritized to prevent failures and operational disruptions.

Additionally, this can be used to improve service delivery by helping spot crews or technicians who may benefit from additional training or pinpointing inefficiencies in your routing schedules.

Get In Touch

1155 Kelly Johnson Blvd. Suite 111 Colorado Springs, CO 80920
